Contact Information
Phone Number: 570.581.8377
FAX Number: 570.728.2653
Service Address: 112 South Centre St Pottsville, PA 17901
Mail to Address: 112, South Centre St Pottsville PA 17901
Crisis: 877-9WE-HELP or 877-993-4357
Introducing the Culture2Culture Online Mental Health Screening
Please click on the image below to enter the C2C Online Mental Health Screening Tool, a service of MHA
Peer support is “a system of giving and receiving help founded on the key principles of respect, shared responsibility, and mutual agreement of what is helpful. ”
Mead, Hilton, and Curtis (2001)Objectives of Formal Peer Support
Provide opportunities for individuals receiving services to direct their own recovery and advocacy processes;
Teach and support acquisition and utilization of the skills needed to facilitate an individual's recovery;
Promote the knowledge of available service options and choices;
Promote the utilization of natural resources within the community;
Facilitate the development of a sense of wellness, self-worth and effectiveness
Objectives of Forensic Peer Support
Assist participants in articulating their personal goals; identify potential outcomes and challenges, and provide support as identified by the participant.
Assist participants in creating and maintaining a personal Re-Citizing Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) and Intentional Transformative Processing Strategy (ITPS).
Provide trauma-informed peer care to support the elimination of learned behaviors that interfere with re-citizenship.
Assist with community treatment, resources and establishing and/or maintaining healthy natural support systems.
Eliminate the over-representation of individuals with mental health and substance use disorder that are involved in the criminal justice system.
Eliminate the high and increasing numbers of recidivism involved with individuals with mental health and substance use disorders.
Assist in identifying, and supporting participation in mutual self-help support groups
Based upon the fundamental principles of recovery, Peer Support Services are specialized therapeutic interactions conducted by self-identified current or former consumers of behavioral health services who are trained and certified to offer support and assistance in helping others in their recovery and community-integration process. Peer support is intended to inspire hope in individuals that recovery is not only possible, but probable. The service is designed to promote empowerment, self-determination, understanding, coping skills, and resiliency through mentoring and service coordination supports that allow individuals with severe and persistent mental illness and co-occurring disorders to achieve personal wellness and cope with the stress and barriers encountered when recovering from their disabilities.
Peer support is designed on the principles of consumer choice and the active involvement of persons in their own recovery process. Peer support practice is guided by the belief that people with disabilities need opportunities to identify and choose for themselves their desired roles with regard to living, learning, working and social interaction in the community. For this reason, the agreement of the individual to receive services is critical.
On an ongoing basis, individuals receiving the service are given the opportunity to participate in and make decisions about the activities conducted. Services are self-directed and person centered with a recovery focus. Peer Support Services facilitate the development of recovery skills. Services are multi-faceted and include, but are not limited to, individual advocacy, education, development of natural supports, support of work or other meaningful activity of the individual's choosing, crisis management support, skills training, effective utilization.
Is our priority
Is our advantage
Is our passion
Is our purpose
Our Core Values are the driving forces in our pursuit to creating a "Values-Driven" organizational culture, which inevitably produce beneficial outcomes.
"We Are Authenticity"
"We Are Connectivity"
"We Are Empowerment"
"We Are the Evidence"
Our Guiding Principles provide us with a mental map to pursuing and creating beneficial peer-to-peer relationships.
"We promise to provide support in creating memorable and meaningful experiences"
"We promise to provide supportive relationships based on trust, respect and mutual understanding"
"We promise to provide support in a fashion that creates empowerment"
"We promise to provide support in a way that promotes personal connections"
"We promise to provide support in a way that influences personal growth and advocacy"
"We promise to provide support in exploring, examining, exposing and equipping person-centered transformative recovery"
"We promise to provide support that will transform the lives and cultures of our participants"
"We promise to hold and treat each individual with the highest of regard while protecting their integrity, freedom and rights"